Come to the Well

The Author is a polymath: engineer, scientist, physicist, mathematician, inventor, writer, poet, philosopher, analyst and singer. He is a strong advocator of Liberal Democracy(some times socialism), Animal Rights and Free thinking. He likes to live life in a complex manner and also quoted the following,

"Simplicity has great privileges, but being simple is much more complex than being complex"

Well really thats all me in lofty words :D ;)

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

false sense of passion

Honestly I think, for a kind of person like me, if I am not reading books - I can't write. Couple of years ago I think I was good with vocabulary, be it in the usage of words or be it in their quantity. And now, I feel deprived of so many beautiful synonyms and metaphors while writing. Obviously, as I see it, the influx of many new words happened to me in a span of just one year or so when I was 20+, rather than being good in english subject when I was a kid. So, as some researchers claim, our brain stops growing at the age of around 20 and you can't take in anymore words. Its like a fixed legth array used as a queue or some sort.
I just finished reading P G Wodehouse's 'Ring for Jeeves'  yesterday and I feel so elated with his witty and intelligent usage of words. I have this 10 books pack by P G Wodehouse, the best of his works it seems as claimed on its cover, for like INR 890. I had bought it almost a year ago and I finished with the second book, both were thin as an ipod touch.  Though I love to read and write, I am generally forced to do either one when I am totally feeling like shit. Like now, when I am no more a numb zombie fixing bugs indefinitely. I feel alive again, only to realise that I am surrounded by the same zombies as I was. You can't speak anything to them except about bugs. I enquire if the bugs tasted good , if they were nasty too. This is my first experience working for a fairly big company as Philips, and I must confess - I HATE IT. The only thing I learnt here is not to work in such a zombie environment ever, where you get hyptnotized into assuming that you are one valuable zombie.
Four months ago, I was very much not a zombie - meeting new non-zombies, beer mugs, music, movies, laughs. Ok, enough of the term zombie i guess. But seriously, I was so fed up woprking for 12 hours everyday - that I had to blast at my manager over phone when he told me that he was disappointed because I couldn't get my code reviewed by my reviewer on a saturday since I reached office at 2pm and that I can't except the reviewer to be there during my own confortable timings. I literally shouted at him, "LOOK YOU NEED NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED BECAUSE THIS IS SATURDAY, AND I SHOULD NOT EVEN BE IN THE OFFICE"

Anyhow, I am trying to catch with people's blogs, even though everyone has moved to the super sexy, irressitable, chikni wordpress. 
I feel like being in this dingy livejournal though :).

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