Come to the Well

The Author is a polymath: engineer, scientist, physicist, mathematician, inventor, writer, poet, philosopher, analyst and singer. He is a strong advocator of Liberal Democracy(some times socialism), Animal Rights and Free thinking. He likes to live life in a complex manner and also quoted the following,

"Simplicity has great privileges, but being simple is much more complex than being complex"

Well really thats all me in lofty words :D ;)

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

As everyday passes by, I begin to worry more and more about the world we are facing. The news is generally grim, almost all of the days, and there is no end to it. And we are having more heated arguments amongst friends about who is more right and wrong, during major crisis like the Mumbai 26/11.
The course of discussions is usually like this: Hindu-Muslim to Pakistan via Taliban - USA - Russia - Communism - China - Hitler - Jews - Israel - Aliyah - Palestine - Gazastrip - Poverty - Zimbabwe - India - Pakistan.
And all of it is an ugly trip. The more we talk about the world, the more cynical we all become. You'll denounce capitalism, when you see its ugly side and at the same time curse communism for its unaccountability of power. Some say people of the various moral policing senas are jobless jerks and at the same time you start to wonder if their sensibilities towards things are actually making them do the things they do. Some say, it all started from Ayodhya in India - while some say we have been fighting like dogs ever since the creation of this subcontinent. The point of origin is usually also blamed on Israel troubling with Palestinians, who used the religion to unite their kind from all over the world for a 'cause'. Blame on Israel usually takes us to Hitler and his crankiness - which he developed during his own fucked up crisis like the great depression and WW1. A reasonable search for the past events which led to this shit, would take us through 600AD, 0-50AD, 2000BC and etc. In all this noise, we Indians have 'lost' our culture, our education system, our respect for women, our male chauvinism, our kurtas, pyjamas and the various achars - and these things get on to the nerves of some(or could be majority) of people in India. All or parts of what we read and hear could be true, or all of it could be an outright lie fed to us poor souls by the power hungry and rich aliens who get an orgasm while masturbating - looking at this voyeuristic suffering.
And on top of it the current recession. People are losing jobs like the chickens get culled during avian flu.

Is a true world order possible, with a peaceful coexistence of the promiscuous and the loyal conservative?

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