Come to the Well

The Author is a polymath: engineer, scientist, physicist, mathematician, inventor, writer, poet, philosopher, analyst and singer. He is a strong advocator of Liberal Democracy(some times socialism), Animal Rights and Free thinking. He likes to live life in a complex manner and also quoted the following,

"Simplicity has great privileges, but being simple is much more complex than being complex"

Well really thats all me in lofty words :D ;)

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Life ----> Updated

Its been more than 15 days me writing something. I guess I was busy with exams and stuff. Finally done with fourth year. And the next year is laid before me to be experienced in a way i have never imagined before. No lectures, no exams, no assignments. Just a project, which streches for more than a year. I am scared. Not of the project but of the boredom!

Though confident about the project, there is always a space for suspicion when looking at my track record till now. Its about how committed i am to things. Well, lets see. The prof. has called me tomorrow as to officially start the DDP.

People are going away. People I am close to. Pavan left to hyd. yesterday and I helped him with his luggage. Gave a hug while he was leaving. But I had a sense we should have hanged out on a party the day before. And not to commit the same mistake, me, sai and vatsav went on a treat.

Saw the movie "Darna Jaroori Hai", the midnite show. The movie is so hillarious. Duhh. There were just 15 people I guess in the theatre. I had the sense that those so called talented/famous actors were acting for us(we three)! I mean they were trying to make us feel satisfied and were waiting for an appreciation. Alas! the movie so predictable, lame, lousy, foolish and kiddo. Dang! I was ROTFL. There was pink panther too. I guess we should have checked out that movie. Anyway it was fun. And I never knew CCD has no credit card payment! Arrgh. Atleast at huma. Anyway, Sai is leaving tomorrow.

I started reading Catch-22 and I am quite uncomfortable with the language. So amateur I am at reading that I cannot tolerate changes in writing styles. I was so addicted to the Gracia Marquez style that Joseph Heller unfortunately has to recieve pitiful comments from me. And I also did observe that I had this passion of writing poems and stuff till i was reading Gracia Marquez. Not sure.

Some things seem to be so predetermnined. All the trying hard (begging the profs and mails and stuff) just goes in vain. This time I have just left to the fate to decide about it. Nothing to worry, its about 2 of my courses. The dirty deeds done in the past haunting me. Well, they wont take my life away will they. Peace life.
And finally concluding :). I am highly impressed by this song "Mere haath mein" song from fanaa. It seems to dig out similar tunes from my favourite days. These are more of emotions than just tunes.

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