Come to the Well

The Author is a polymath: engineer, scientist, physicist, mathematician, inventor, writer, poet, philosopher, analyst and singer. He is a strong advocator of Liberal Democracy(some times socialism), Animal Rights and Free thinking. He likes to live life in a complex manner and also quoted the following,

"Simplicity has great privileges, but being simple is much more complex than being complex"

Well really thats all me in lofty words :D ;)

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

happy new clean wax-free ear.

Inspite of taking almost a year's course in pubbing, the new year's was a little lame. It's like the time when I forgot to attend the endsem exam of Prof. Ananth Krishnan's state space analysis course. Instead, I took to office, a bottle of 'minute maid/pulpy orange' adultrated with a quarter of vodka because this new friend of mine, who's left leg is fractured and was confined to home-work for more than 4 months, was too desperate to just smell some alcohol. We had the vodka in the evening after work and wanted more. After finding out from the autowala for some really hip place to hang out at, we ended up at 'gururaj bar and restaurant'. Gururaj bar and restaurant is basically a wine shop with a  backyard covered with asbestos roofing sheets. Well it WAS a hip place... but for the autowalas(No, I am not a professionist if that was equivalent of racist word used for such remarks). The bar was in no way different than the regular pubs, or so we thought. It was downlighted, best served, good food(not sure of quality), dancing is anyway 'banned 'so there's no need of a dance floor. And the best part is they charged meager 10 bucks extra on the MRP! If it were in the most cheapest so called hip pub, we would have had to lose a couple of grand.. each. When I returned home around 10ish, I tried waking up my somber roomies, who were spending the evening, as if it was just another fucking eve, well somber. Pondy was ready to join me and he called up the 'nearest stone throw distance from my place' pub only to find out it had a cover charge of, wait for it, well, hmm, not much but yeah a little high, yep,four followed by three zeros rupaiyya. Yes.. per head, even if it was a chicken's. How the hell do they expect each person spending 4000 I couldnt comprehend, because as per the menu rates, you'll either get choked eating so much or pass out drinking(And no, a balance between the two is not possible without, you knew it all along, throwing up).
Anyway, there was no proper partying on this new year's eve and I regret because I wont get to see, from what i heard, such crazy crowd  on a normal weekend.

Its no use ending this without a conventional happiest ever new year greeting.

Wishing you, your significant other, your family members, their family members and basically to all of the people connected to you through six degrees of separation a happy new year which is prosperous, wonderful, rocking, with lots of love, lots of lols, lots of hotties, lots of music to the ears, lots of movies, lots of paryting, lots of everything which doesn't basically give a frown on the face and here's hoping for akshay kumar to cross the 100 crore mark this year to charge for his movies.

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