Come to the Well

The Author is a polymath: engineer, scientist, physicist, mathematician, inventor, writer, poet, philosopher, analyst and singer. He is a strong advocator of Liberal Democracy(some times socialism), Animal Rights and Free thinking. He likes to live life in a complex manner and also quoted the following,

"Simplicity has great privileges, but being simple is much more complex than being complex"

Well really thats all me in lofty words :D ;)

Recent Posts

Friday, December 26, 2008

Back without a bang!!

     It has been exactly one year and  one week since I came to Bangalore. Made a couple of friends to hangout with - other than roomies, changed the cool game-maker job, got ripped off from the autowalas inspite of my language advantage, realized that I am addicted to nicotine(oh, brb).... and that's it. Nothing much, nothing exciting. Oh wait, the pubs and strange acquaintances were kinda not bad. And for some strange reasons I have turned into a badass 'i dont give a f*ck' prick, with my beloved roomies being essentially the same as they were a year ago. Roomies being the great indian Pondy alias Punit Sinha, KPS alias Kshitij Sharma, Telnet alias Amit Kiran Sowani and DVD alias Aditya Dwivedi. Pondy being our Cheif Financial Officer, KPS being the source of all wordly pain, Telnet the puzzle wizzle, it has been so far so good in the triplex adjacent to the beautiful, ever flourishing habitat to the species Culicidae - a sewage canal. 
     Since I changed my job, I got to see the 'real' managers, collegues trying to take over the world with self-imposed 13 hour working habits, learnt some really cool english at work place and getting pro at being a kaam chor and tech jargon. The cool english includes, "I am having a lot of work, can I solve it later?" , "I will test this on the tarjet to see how it goes". I thank my mallu and tamil colleagues for helping me get really good at my already stricken english. Even though I am not having problems with my english in the past, these peoples have helped to polish it. And the work, most of the time its about scratching our heads with clueless huge set of subsystems. It's like using a crane to displace a safety pin or something like that. Honestly, we all hate it but the coolness of it, and the recession, keeps us going. It's a mindfuck. And so, I wish to blog till I am a sheep. I wish to blog shameless incoherent rants. I wish to blog like no one's reading.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


creeping under my skin
this sensation so thin,
not to lose in the crowd
for a sanity that keeps me proud.

creeping under my skin
this sensation so thin,
to get back to what i was
remorseful for the past flaws,

creeping under my skin
this sensation so thin,
to feel everything that's around
and to not give a stupid frown

to embrace the earth,
drown into ignorance,
close my eyelids for the worth
of pleasure of the fragrance.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Does randomness exist?

intricacies that you claim to know
in this labyrinth of a life,
fumbling for the ultimate glow
just to end up in a strife?

defining happiness and pain,
defining craziness and hate
energies of the world that you drain
trying to write that flawless fate

you want my words of advice?
Apologies for being in the same boat,
and sailing through Nature's disguise,
i have been as much a scapegoat.
