Come to the Well

The Author is a polymath: engineer, scientist, physicist, mathematician, inventor, writer, poet, philosopher, analyst and singer. He is a strong advocator of Liberal Democracy(some times socialism), Animal Rights and Free thinking. He likes to live life in a complex manner and also quoted the following,

"Simplicity has great privileges, but being simple is much more complex than being complex"

Well really thats all me in lofty words :D ;)

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Sunday, December 02, 2007


abandoned from the sunshine
for days i cannot count
payed for the the past crime
shackled body and soul

in the darkest hours of the day
piercing ray of light brings
the storm, inactive as i lay
unbewildered, unelated for the springs

the iron chains magically disappear
leaving behind wounds to scar
i standup on forgotten muscles here,
to reach that pinnacle star


(chorus) I'd like to see you pee on us tonight...

I think, almost everyone understood where that came from... :)

for those in the dark, let me shed the light of BENNY LAVA!! i am too overly elated by this video, but wat the heck..

For quite some time, some indian music videos have been doing rounds on youtube receiving millions(6 million+) of views and thousands(10 thousand+) of comments. Obviously accounting to the vast difference in the culture, race, colour, language and tastes, and also accounting to the cultural, racial, lingual and sensory superiority and narcissism of each and every individual society, these videos got mocked front and back, red and blue. Nevertheless, there were some appreciations scattered here and there. I, after succumbing to the western cultural invasions all these years, myself found those videos tasteless, if not funny. Nevermind.

But! Benny Lava makes your day no matter what creed you belong to! I seriously find it the epitome of humour. I am awed by the video editor's keen observational synergy with his/her perversion! Its an art! Even a civilized society would not hesitate to give such a work of art a nobel prize. sadly, the our civilizations are too civilized i guess...

Watch the video right away(with your speaker's on)....

some observations..
-- the lines have a perfect context and a short story plot.
-- "I'd like to see you pee on us tonight" makes sense if it was an individual representing a group. But then my roommate and I agreed that, it makes more sense in chorus too if every one of them were giving their individual opinions and the opinions would coincidentally be exactly the same.
-- i and my roommate seem to laugh out loud every time we watch the video..
-- majority of the lines match how the sentences sound, and this is the only fact that makes this video worth watching..
-- it doesnt sound funny if the video was in a language you perfectly understand as i dont find "the indian thriller with english lyrics" funny enough.
-- the girl is sexy
-- i think prabu deva actually says "anybody need this sign benny lavo" in english

On a different note, instrumental lovers who also like rock get ecstatic listening to this rock version of pachelbel's cannon.. the notes are actually the my sassy girl's variant of cannon in d on piano .. harsha are u reading this ? ;)..
this video has 32 million views :)..