Come to the Well

The Author is a polymath: engineer, scientist, physicist, mathematician, inventor, writer, poet, philosopher, analyst and singer. He is a strong advocator of Liberal Democracy(some times socialism), Animal Rights and Free thinking. He likes to live life in a complex manner and also quoted the following,

"Simplicity has great privileges, but being simple is much more complex than being complex"

Well really thats all me in lofty words :D ;)

Recent Posts

Sunday, June 10, 2007

For "The Greater Good"

Heh. The title might seem like a follow-up to the previous one. Well, I dont really quite commit to my word(that I'd post more about the previous topic the next day) ;). So, this would be about a movie I saw a day ago. Its Hot Fuzz.

Best british humour for me till now I guess. Fantastic acting and writing by Simon Pegg! The movie has got every possible humour.. sarcasm, parody, practical jokes including slapstick. The movie is about a Police Constable Nicolas Angel and a Village named Sandford. The intro starts with Simon Pegg background voice and him walking seriously in the police department. "Police Constable Nicholas Angel. Born and schooled in London. Graduated Canterbury University in 1993 with a double first in politics and sociology...... excelled in police force".. blah. nice intro though.

Constable Nicolas Angel gets transferred from London by his jealous colleagues to this village because he makes other police officers look inferior(extraordinary 400% more arresting rate). This movie has got absolutely stunning screenplay, direction, camera work, special effects, background sound effects.They copied from all possible hollywood movies with such accuracy and quality. Like Requiem for a Dream, and most of the action movies like The Departed. No where it gets you bored. And you LOL once every 2 minutes. So, the constable gets promoted to Seargent + gets transferred to this village. He sees abnormal accidents happening over there and tries to investigate only to get sucked into major murders by the village heads. The village heads are pretty old chaps and they believe in doing gruesome crimes for "the greater good" of the village. Ironically, the previous topic flashed in my mind when the greater good was being explained in the movie. You know, how superstitions, beliefs, ego, honour etc. can force people into doing immoral acts...

But anyway, do check out the movie for the ultimate comedy! You might want to get hold of subtitles if you are uncomfy with british accent, cause there are subtle dialogues at some instances.The funny dialogues i remember:

(A policewoman says Hi to nicolas angel when he gets introduced to the new police station)
Danny:(standing beside nicolas) And she's our only policewoman.
Nicolas: She is not a police woman.
Danny: Yeah, she is. I've seen her bra.
Nicolas: She's a police officer. Being woman has nothing to do with it.

(Another incident, where they curiously try to figure out people walking on the road)
They see a giant retard walking down the street.
Nicolas: Okay whats his story.
Danny: Oh, that's Lurch. He's a trolley boy at the local supermarket. Real name, Micheal Armstrong. Dad says he's go a child's mind. And lives up summer street with his mum and his sister.
Nicolas: And are they as big as he is?
Danny: Who?
Nicolas: The mum and the sister.
Danny: Same person.
Nicolas: What shop were u thinking of..(changing the topic)

Friday, June 01, 2007

The First Rain

Yep. Was lucky enough to get wet. At the same time I was scared of the coming days. Mumbai changed my attitude towards rains. I despise it. Aw man, how have you people been staying here for like life-long. When it rains so much, you dont want to go to classes or work or do anything. If I had XX threats during odd semesters, reason was rains. :D
So we were out today for dinner and it rained. I was thinking if there was a forecast earlier in the day and then The Weather Man(2005) flashed in my mind! Nicolas Cage. He seemed so depressed. The movie carried a sympathetic humour all along, trying to enlighten souls which are stuck in comparable positions as the weather-man. The movie is about "chucking shit things in life" and to be happy. Now deciding or knowing what is shit, is a suspense. There's a new slang term to be learnt from this movie and I cant believe wikipedia has this elaborative article on this term with references and also says that this term was a key plot element for this movie.

Ah dinner was good. New Laxmi is good. Food is same, prices around 5 rupees higher, but the aura/lighting is fundoo.

PS: I am finding LJ more shittier day by day, and blogspot more lovable due to its COMPLETE customisation for free.

Snooker !!

Back home I got two best friends, both of them 'spoilt' to unimaginable extents. After our 12th, one of them went to Trichi and the other stayed back. So, during my 2nd year and 3rd year summers, I was introduced to Snooker to which this friend had got addicted to so much cause he was left alone. And let me warn ya, snooker is addictive, completely. We spent those summers in that smoke filled hall, chalking the cues, puffing away cigarettes and taking fine shots at the balls with infinite attention. We even went there after 2 beers on one afternoon!! It was awesome. Losers in academics attented that place regularly. Daily. Speaking vilest telugu ever known. So, this friend of mine was also a learner and used to talk to those bunch of losers to take fundaes and learn how to play good. Those guys were real good, i mean if there was any kinda competition in hyderabad and if these guys knew about it, atleast one would have bagged a prize. So, it was like, we used to spend the whole day, like some 7-8 hours at that place. Prices were real cheap, cause there was no demand and the regular costumers couldnt afford too much. Rs. 30/Hr. Effectively we were active on the tables for maximum 4-5 hours. And we took care not to spend more that 60 per day. heh. There was this thing called LTP -- Lose To Pay. When we both were amateur with snooker, we trapped novices into LTP pacts and made them pay.

Snooker is stunning. The game is simple. You have some red balls, each carrying one point and you have 6 different coloured balls each carrying points from 2 to 7, placed positionally. Aim is to complete all the red one's initially. Every pocketing of red ball follows a pocketing of any colored one. If the colored shot is successful, it is placed back to its position. or else it is left at its displaced position. When all the red balls are done with, you start pocketing the colored one's in ascending order of points without replacing them back. The main crux of the game is in the complication of choosing the balls. During the pocketing of red ones, you have to specifically say which ball you are gonna pocket along with the pocket you are aiming at. If, due to bad luck, the cue ball first hits an adjacent ball or if the chosen ball falls into a different pocket than you specified, you have a foul of -4.
After the completion of red balls stage, you dont even have a choice to choose the coloured ball because you follow the ascending order, however 'specifying the target pocket' rule still follows. This complication is taken advantage of after the completion of red balls. We called it snooking. When you know you cant pocket the coloured ball, you make sure that after you hit it, the cue ball and the coloured ball settle in such a position that the line of site between them is blocked by some other coloured ball, there by deliberately making the other player's turn a foul. :) HItting a not-to-be-first-hit colour weighs foul points equal to that colour point.
There were certain games in which, my opponent was more than 40 points ahead of me after all the red ones were done, and I was able to defeat him by snooking too many times :P.

I was addicted to the game. And when I was back after 3rd year summer, I was desperate to continue playing the game in mumbai. To my bad luck, I couldn't find one near to my college and I was forced to play at a table in Heeranandani a couple of times, with sky touching price of Rs. 150 per frame. A frame lasts for 20-40 mins :(.

I truly miss chalking the cue, concentrating and applying physics collision rules while taking aim, jumping after successfully pocketing a difficult one, those 90-degree-shots(a customized name given by me), rebounding a ball which was touching the side wall, Surfing ( when you are snooked with some other colored ball in the line of site, you surf the cue ball by making it take a curved path by spinning it and it IS extremely difficult ), those reverse spin and dead stop shots... and all the innumerable techniques which were learnt. :( .

And I know, I am gonna own a table as soon as I can barely afford it :D.


They say a gift from the God
having a heart to share,
loving one and being loved
forever staying with care

is it a curse from the same
having a heart so wide!
and they gave it a name
jealousy from the other side

trapped in the norms
controlling hopeless minds
I cant eat these worms
let me stay with my kinds. :P

completed this one finally ... was void of rhyme and words at that time..

peace out.

fill those burning skies
with a drop of white
clear those gloomy cries
without a pinch of fight

cradle thy hearts
let them blend and play
let no piercing darts
come in the same way

dejected by the sorrows
losing oneself is not right
clear those paining arrows
spread love without a plight

Justin Timberlake

I thought I would never like POP again. That was until I saw Justin Timberlake's video from FutureSex/LoveSounds album. The song is called What goes around.. comes around. The song is about infidelity and describes a scenario about how karma acts if you cheat on your lover. With Scarlett Johanson cheating on our Justin, the director decides to brutally kill her in an accident at the end of the video. Initially, I was disappointed on the climax, but when I checked the lyrics it was completely different. Lyrics are normal, kind-of with sadistic revenge instincts, but then are based on fundamental democratic views :P.(The interlude part). Anyway, the tune was catchy and I checked out other songs of the album only to be completely blown away by this artist's experimental music( to me atleast) . Just awesome!.. the following songs are must-checkout. Initially one may find them wierd.. but then reading those most simple lyrics gives such a fresh experience which I never was able to get in other pop or even Alternative/Rock.

After What Goes Around .. comes around, my favorites..

1. Love Stoned/I Think She Knows Interlude
This one is simply awesome with a complete rejuvenation in post-interlude part. These four lines are repeated so many times, I just cant seem to get enough of the beauty of the tunes both before and after interlude.

Those flashing lights come from everywhere
The way they hit her I just stop and stare
She's got me love stoned
Man I swear she's bad and she knows
I think that she knows

2. FutureSex/LoveSound
This one seems to be a complete weird one, but great anyhow. There's a repetitive sound similar to the sound from the wheels on a railroad track. My fav. part of the tune is at these lyrics...

just tell me which way you like that
all you gotta do is tell me which way you like that
do you like it like this
do you like it like that

3. My Love
Good one. With catchy fast paced lyrics...

Because, I can see us holding hands
walking on the beach, our toes in the sand

I can see us on the countryside
Sitting on the grass, laying side by side

You can be my baby
Wanna make ya my lady
Girl you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothin' crazy

4. Sexy Back
Ok types. Can get quite addictive.

But then I hate that girly voice from the MALE artist, at times, infact most of the times. I find it quite gay of the artist

Conservative Hypocrisy.

Scene 1:
Conservative: The Gujarat roits are perfectly justified.
Liberal : How can you expect if a group of people start massacring your family when you are having a good time watching sleazy hindi video on v-channel
Conservative: Whatever, it is justified.

After a long time had passed.

Scene 2: (Today)
Liberal: Did you hear about the Virginia tech. massacre?
Conservative: Yes.. haha . US doesnt need any enemies.. the psychos they produce are enough. They seem to suppress the freedom of expression to such an extent, people resort to this kind of adventures to vent out their anger.
Liberal: What about India, do they need enemies? (Contemplating on the huge number of open-psychos in co-ordination)
Conservative: Leave India, US boasts itself on being a perfect country to set example to the world on how to develop and how democracy should be. See the kind of people it makes, this is not the first incident.
Liberal: Oh.. (appalled, with an indignation to scream out loud ... on the hypocrisy).

Recipe for Disaster

a pinch of
leading souls, bleeding hearts,
burning embers, revolting darts

and a spoon of
happy joes, blissful souls,
drooling dogs, lonely fools,
ruthless crows,unforgiving foes,
helpless wise, fearful does

in a bowl of
ever hungry, ever dirt,
rotting soils, forsaken herd,
all those cries, all those woes,
eternal slaves, ignorant retards,

soothe them with the Flames,
heat them with the Flames,
burn them with the Flames,
the Flames of Ultimate Figment.